Key cards

 In a pack of Kommon Sense, there are 5 master cards, called Kommon Sense. If you are lucky to have any of these, when you play it, the next stakeholder by you must go to school twice (pick 2 cards from the deck) but if the stakeholder has the Kommon Sense master card, they are at liberty to use it to cancel yours. At that point we say Kommon Sense cancels Kommon Sense.

In a pack of Kommon Sense there are two cards, Life and Death. If a stakeholder has Death among his/her share of cards, you can decide to play and that ends the game abruptly without any winner, but if any of the other stakeholders has Life, they are at liberty to use it to resurrect the process by placing it on the Death card.

In a pack of Kommon Sense there are only two Money cards, if you are lucky to draw any, you must apply it wisely. To play money you buy any card of your choice preferably a card among your cards, since there is only one card for every issue, this will force everyone to go to school before you play your requested card. It is a subtle way of forcing all the stakeholders to go to school at the same time and still get to play another card of yours. However, before they embark on the school, you must explain to them how money can buy what you are demanding for, failure to do so takes you to school and you lose the opportunity to play.

Experience has shown that during this strategic duel in communication, meanings, values, convictions and intents, that there is a great release of critical depth and profound connections, so much that every time Kommon Sense is applied stakeholders are always thrilled by the depth and scope of their wisdom. In other to capture this deep thoughts and reflections, we have introduced a process where each of your connections or others can be documented for further reference, study, and development and also for a possible inclusion in our publication, Kommon Sense Anthologies… a collection of the sixth sense.

FINALLY, you must note that connections goes beyond just verbal expressions, so for you to connect successfully you must be attuned to the stakeholders, their sensibilities, their convictions, value systems, personality, culture and tradition, their dreams and future. The ability to coordinate these key sensibilities is the learning process where you begin to gather relevant knowledge and connection skills and from then onward grow in the ART OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS.